Establish A Workout Routine Like Our Regulars

Ready to start a regular exercise routine, but unsure if you can stick with it? We get it, taking that first step can be daunting. That’s why we want to share the inspiring stories of our regular members who workout 3+ days a week because they love how it makes them look and feel. No fluff, just raw motivation. Discover the transformative power of fitness and let’s conquer your goals together!

Meet Your Neighbor: Vicky

What do you do outside of YuBalance to stay fit?

Not a lot lol. Walk my two dogs. 

Favorite class (or exercise), why?

Dead bug/chest press/hip raise - any kind of lay-down exercise. 

Favorite time to workout, why?

Mornings. It's nice to get it in early and know that I accomplished something for myself before the day gets away from me. 

What keeps you coming back?

The vibes. Cool instructors, gym friends, making the leaderboard…

Occupation & interests outside of fitness?

PR/Marketing communications. I enjoy traveling, delicious food, and being a couch potato.

Ultimate health & fitness goals? 

Staying healthy as I get old. 

Do you have any tips for people who are just getting started?

One class/day at a time.

Meet Your Neighbor: Maury

What do you do outside of YuBalance to help you stay fit?

Running, pickleball, biking, and hiking. A friend and I do the epic Double Dipsea hike a couple of times a year, both because it’s an amazing day (mountain and beach) and a good physical challenge.

Favorite class (or exercise), why?

Favorite class: Body Sculpt. The rotating circuits feel more communal and the variety is fun. 

Favorite exercise: Snatches. (I think that’s what they’re called.) I like the feeling this exercise gives of working pretty much every muscle in my body.

Favorite time to workout, why? 

9am. Getting a good workout out of the way first thing means I don’t have to think about when I’ll exercise. A morning workout also promotes all sorts of other healthy behaviors the night before.

What keeps you coming back?

The people, the energy, but, most of all, my regular Yubalance workouts have made me feel really healthy and strong. That feeling becomes somewhat addictive over time.

Occupation & interests outside of fitness?

I run a business and write plays. My interests are the usual things…hanging with family and friends, food/cooking, travel, sports, music, theater, movies, and reading.

Ultimate health & fitness goals?

The way I look at it is that I’ve made a deal with my body: I’ll do my best to take care of it with reasonable diet, exercise, sleep, and moderation. And in return, hopefully, my body will let me do all the things I love to do for many years.

Do you have any tips for people who are just getting started?

I’m not sure I’m the guy to give fitness tips, but I will say that signing up for classes in advance is an amazing motivator to show up and work out, even on days I don’t feel like it.

Meet Your Neighbor: Mashoka

What do you do outside of YuBalance to stay fit?

Running and hiking

Favorite class and why?

YuSweat because I love the intensity and burn! 

Favorite time to workout, why? 

Over lunch to break up my day

What keeps you coming back?

Engaging, motivating trainers + electrifying energy 

Occupation & interests outside of fitness?

I work long hours as a corporate attorney so when I get time off, I love to explore new places/countries with my young daughter and partner

Ultimate health & fitness goals?

Improving endurance & strength + making fitness a way of life

Do you have any tips for people who are just getting started?

Stay hydrated + focus on form + give your body time to recover 

Meet Your Neighbor: David

What do you do outside of YuBalance to stay fit?

90% of my fitness is YuBalance. I golf, ski and road/mountain bike when I have the time and usually do 1 adventure trip a year (hiking, kayaking etc) 

Favorite class (or exercise), why?

No favorite class. I like to mix it up. The more variation then the harder it is to get bored…but Skiing is my favorite sport by far 

Favorite time to workout, why?

9 am classes - I drop off my daughter at school and go directly to class. It’s now part of my daily routine. Perfect time of day.

What keeps you coming back? 

Great energy and good people in the class. No agro personalities.

Occupation & interests outside of fitness? 

I own 2 restaurants called Heroic Italian and am now the Operations lead for our SoCal locations…I love food and travel which drive most of my thinking 

Ultimate health & fitness goals? 

Would love to get back below 180lbs…but I would need to stop drinking.. not sure that’s going to happen…so at the very least I can make sure I have some muscles hidden under the belly 

Do you have any tips for people who are just getting started?

Make it a routine- find that time of day that you can always do it. If you can make it into a daily routine like brushing your teeth then it gets easier to do.

Meet Your Neighbor: Robin

What do you do outside of YuBalance to help you stay fit? 

When I’m running errands I walk to and from the store instead of driving. At work I try to get up from my desk at least once or twice a day and walk around the campus. 

Favorite class (or exercise), why? 

I have no favorites, they are all great. There’s terrific variety among the classes, instructors AND the routines change every month.

Favorite time to workout, why? 

I prefer the evenings for Yubalance classes because when I work out in the morning, sometimes my butt gets kicked so hard I’m kinda useless for the rest of the day 😂

What keeps you coming back?

Beyond my answers to question number two, it’s a really welcoming environment and I feel so accomplished afterwards! 

Occupation & interests outside of fitness?

My day job is I work for the Department of Veterans Affairs. My other interests include dancing, photography, writing, making other art like block printing, stained glass and watercolors. Oh, and raising my son, being a wife, etc. it’s a lot! 

Ultimate health & fitness goals?

Yes! I will be starting my fiftieth trip around the Sun in July - in anticipation of that I decided to start seriously working out now, so by the time it’s July I’m on the way to being in the best shape of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life in a place where I can work to maintain being fit vs working to get into shape.

Do you have any tips for people who are just getting started? 

Don't let your fears or insecurities hold youback.  There’s no time like the present to start, so just come take a class - commit to a week or a month of doing it - you’ll be hooked!