5-Minute Abs Workout

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Health Benefits of Strong Abs

Your abs play a crucial role in posture (by supporting the spine), balance, stability, and respiratory functions (like breathing). Building strength and endurance in these muscles is essential of you want to improve your posture, reduce back pain, improve balance, stability and even breathe better!

Improve Your Ab Strength in 5 Minutes

According to a study published by University of Utah, getting in brief bouts of exercise above a particular intensity level can positively impact your weight just as much as the recommended 10+ minutes. So a five minute high intensity abs workout really is worth it!

How to Build Abs and Lose Belly Fat

Evidence shows that you can’t lose belly fat by exercising your abs alone. For full body fat loss, use a combination of high intensity cardio and strength training exercises, like HIIT workouts at YuBalance Fitness Club. Of course, eating more plant-based foods and drinking lots of water is important too!

5-Minute High Intensity Abs Workout

Before you grab breakfast, knock out this 5-minute high intensity ab workout by YuBalance Fitness Club. Do each exercise 10x per side and repeat until you hit 5 minutes. As the workout gets easier, you can up the reps by even numbers as your ab strength progresses. 

Plank with Toe Taps

Extend one foot out wide to the side keeping the leg straight and tap your toe to the ground, then bring the leg back straight with the body. Repeat with the other leg, continuing to alternate in repeating the exercise. Tips: Only move your lower body, try to keep the hips, waist, shoulders and head still.

Opposite Arm Leg Crunch

Pulling your abs up and in, simultaneously extend your left arm and right leg until both are parallel to the floor. Pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat the move with the opposite arm and leg. That’s one repetition.

Bicycle Crunch

Raise your knees to a 90-degree angle and alternate extending your legs as if pedaling a bike. Twist your body to touch your elbow to the opposite knee with each pedal motion. With proper form, bicycle crunches can increase core strength while adding a cardio element to your ab exercise routine.