No Excuses

There’s millions of great excuses not to workout and you’ve used a few I’m sure. You’re too tired, sore knee or lower back, unexpected meeting, have to wear a mask, shouldn’t have eaten that whole burrito for lunch, ad infinitum. The fact that you’re a busy professional isn’t going to change, neither will you being sore, achy, tired, feeling blah, whatever. The adult body loses muscle, flexibility, and balance as weage. We also gain fat more easily as our metabolism slows down. All harsh realities, but simple facts of the matter. It’s up to you to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

For you to establish and maintain a high level of fitness (now into the future), your workouts have to become a non-negotiable aspect of who you are. You don’t just skip showering, brushing your teeth, grabbing a morning coffee, or even showing up to work very often do you? For the most part, of course not. Why? These are all habits, things we do so much that they become an uncompromisable part of who we are

Start inserting your workouts into your schedule today. Make them a priority, never cancel and rarely reschedule. Prioritize yourself and your health. No excuses.