Unmask Your Potential

Wow, how time flies when you’re locked at home during a pandemic. Just two years ago, our Mayor was telling us to stay home for “three weeks.” As San Franciscans, we’ve proven to ourselves and the world that we can work from home better and wear our masks longer than anywhere else in the world! We’ve all sacrificed a lot in the name of health and public safety. While schools, workplaces and gyms were all closed, luckily pot clubs, liquor stores, fast-food and akeout were all still open and there for us during our time of isolation.

Fast-forward to today, we’re now struggling more than ever with depression, mental illness, alcoholism, addictions and social anxieties. Finally, the CDC and our President are calling to remove our masks. Now more than ever, it’s time to take advantage of a freedom that we haven’t been afforded for the past two years. Be a pioneer in taking the first steps back to normalcy. No more excuses about going to the gym. We’re no longer worried about lethal germs, or how annoying it is to workout in a mask! It is 100% your choice.

You’re finally free to show your smiles, struggles, and your strength. We can’t wait to see all of your faces and help you unmask your potential.